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In the first double spread, there is 1 main image and 3 separate images in total. In the main images, we see the main singer of the band holding on to a microphone and looking down at the floor with his hair covering most of his face. He is wearing dark jeans, a dark top and a denim jacket with badges. He is also wearing a tag that has a skull on it. The shot is a medium long shot. In the back we can see a faded figure of the drummer. The main image covers to first page completely. The first smaller image shows a man holding onto a guitar and looking sideways. He is wearing a black top with white symbols on it. His hair is also pushed out of his face. The shot is a medium shot. It is placed in front of the main image in the bottom right corner of the page. In the second smaller image there are 3 members in the band all sitting or hunched over having a conversation with each other. They are all wearing dark clothing; the guy in the middle has a black t shirt with a white skull on it whilst the guy on the right has a black hoodie on. The image is on the second page in the bottom left corner. Finally in the last main image we see the lead  singer  singing   into   a   microphone

with  his  hands  on  his  head,  head   tilted

upwards and mouth open. This is a medium  close up. The image is  located on



I'm Not Okay (I Promise) - My Chemical Romance
00:00 / 00:00

upwards and mouth open. This is a medium close up. The image is located on the last page and also the bottom right corner. The setting for each photo implies that they’re on stage or in a recording studio. All photos are in black and white however all show use of high-key lighting.


In the second double spread, there is one main image in total. In the image we see 5 men; 3 in the front and two in the back. The first man at the bottom left is wearing a red, black, white and yellow plaid shirt. The middle man at the bottom is wearing a black shirt with a white symbol on it. The man at the bottom end is wearing a dark grey shirt. The first man at the top is wearing a light grey shirt. It can also be seen that he is also wearing a black top underneath. The last man at the top is wearing a white top with a black hoodie over it. This is not only canted shot but also a high angle shot. They are all looking into the camera with their mouths open and their hands down beside them. The main image covers both pages. They are photographed in colour as well as high-key lighting.




The headline of the first double spread says “We're Being The Best MCR We Can Be!” The text is in a bold sans serif font. The font shows that the writing is “broken” as part of the black background can be seen though the writing.  The words “The Best MCR” is bigger than the rest of the headline. Also this part of text is also in white whilst the rest of the text is in red. The red and white connotes with power, determination and perfection which links in with the headline. The headline takes over most of the second page and overlaps the first page slightly. It is located on the top of the page and at a slanted angle.


The headline of the second double spread says “A Day To Remember: The New Sound Of Sacrifice”. The band’s name is curved in a bold serif font. The headline on this is also “broken” as we can see parts of the background behind the text. The colour of the text is light blue with white outlining the text. The light blue and white connote with perfection, understanding and maturity which links in with the headline. The rest of the headline is in the same font but in black and is highlighted in white. The title is located on the bottom part of the second page.




The stand-first on the first double spread is located at the top of the second page underneath the headline. The font is in a sans serif font and is also much smaller in comparison to the headline. The colour of the font is in white as well as the band’s name being in bold. The text is also at a slanted angel in order to be proportional to the headline.


The stand-first on the second double spread is located at the top left corner of the first page. The font is a serif font and very similar to the font used for the headline. The colour of the font is black is highlighted in white which contrasts very well. The text is also at a slanted angle. 




There are 2 columns on the first double spread. They are located in the middle of the second page and take up about 1/3 of the magazine. The alignment of the text is the left of the page.


There is 1 column on the second double spread. It is located on the first page and takes up just over 1/4 of the page. However the pull quote “breaks” the column into two separate sections. The alignment of the text is the left of the page.




The drop-cap on the first double spread is located on the second page at the beginning of the text. The letter M is in a sans serif font. As well as this, the colour of the letter is in red which contrasts to the rest of the article which is in white.


The drop-cap on the second double spread is located on the first page at the beginning of the text. Not only is the letter Y big but also the speech marks. They are both in a serif font. The colour of the letter and punctuation is in white which matches the colour of text in the writing.




There is no pull quote for the first double spread. However it could be suggested that the headline represents the pull quote as it has been taken from the article.


The pull quote in the second double spread is located on the middle left of the first page. The font is a serif font and very similar to the font used in the stand-first and headline. The size of the font is much bigger compared to the original writing from the article. It also separates the writing for the article which makes it easier to read.




It is clearly evident that there are similarities between both double spreads. The first similarity is the use of photography. Despite the colour and amount of photos used, it can be identified that all photos use high-key lightning. As well as this, the double spreads also uses similar colour schemes. Despite the first one using red and the second one using blue, they both use white and black which create a really strong contrast.

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